Black Composers

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Over the summer, 一群专门的工作室教师主席和音乐部门的其他领导人联合起来创作 黑人作曲家的音乐:介绍性资源该文件旨在扩大知识范围,建立更具包容性的曲目处理方法. 曲目和教学选择往往是出于习惯和知识的狭隘, 被排斥和声音被削弱的历史所塑造. In the Music Division, 我们正在采取重要步骤,通过创建一个由教师研究的黑人作曲家作品列表来扩大我们的知识,以拥抱并努力建立一个更具代表性的古典音乐世界.

您将从下面的列表中看到, 每个参与者都花时间探索黑人作曲家的音乐,并非常个人地推荐作品听和表演. 茱莉亚图书馆的工作人员, led by Jane Gottlieb, 然后用音乐的可用性对每个建议进行注解, 注意到哪里可以找到分数,如果我们还没有分数,就去寻找来源. 该文档将定期更新以反映新的可用性,您可以随时查看 Juilcat 查阅最新资料.

我们敦促你们每一个人通过倾听来加入这个探索, sharing, 演奏这首非常丰富的作品, 这一点经常被忽视. 这是一份活生生的文件, 所以我们邀请你们每一个人——我们整个学生社区, faculty, alumni, 员工们——用你自己的发现和建议来帮助扩展这个列表. 请将您的建议发送至 [email protected].

扩展我们的知识是开始, 在我们继续这一重要对话之际,我们欢迎你们的想法和建议. As a next step, 我们将共同努力,将这一资源和其他未被充分代表的作曲家的音乐投入到音乐部门的持续生活中. 我们期待着在真正具有性别代表性的音乐领域建立一个更广阔的卓越世界, racial, 民族和文化遗产的多样性.

Adam Meyer和Ara Guzelimian

Adam Meyer (MM ’04, viola) is Juilliard’s provost; Ara Guzelimian was provost and dean from 2007 to 2020 and is special advisor, Office of the President


Recommendations from:

Nancy Allen, Harp
Timothy Cobb, Double Bass
Ronald Copes, Violin
Elaine Douvas, Woodwinds
Aaron Flagg, Jazz Studies
Ara Guzelimian,音乐部
Fredara Hadley,音乐史
Sharon Isbin, Guitar
Paul Jacobs, Organ
Yoheved Kaplinsky, Piano
Joel Krosnick, Cello
Raymond Mase, Brass
Adam Meyer, Provost
Samuel Rhodes, Viola
Brian Zeger, Vocal Arts

本在线资源指南定期更新. 茱莉亚图书馆不断更新其黑人作曲家的作品. Please check Juilcat 获取有关资源可用性的最新信息.


Nancy Allen, Harp

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
布朗国王合唱团的歌谣 (1954) Voice, piano, harp Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
Youtube: I. Of the Three Wise Men
降E大调长笛竖琴奏鸣曲(1799年) Flute and harp Score: E-score可通过Juilcat获得
Youtube: Listen here
MICHAEL FRAZIER Melic Silhouettes (2015) Flute, viola, harp SoundCloud: Listen here
  时间是一种没有耐心的东西 (2018) Alto flute, viola, harp SoundCloud: Listen here
  Ursa Minor (2018) 男高音萨克斯,钢琴,竖琴 SoundCloud: Listen here
Ennanga (1956) 竖琴,弦乐团,钢琴 Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
Youtube: Listen here
TANIA LEON (B. 1943) Journey (1990) Harp, flute, voice Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
Youtube: Listen

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Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
T.J. ANDERSON (b. 1928) 七首歌舞歌(1994) 爵士声乐,长笛,中提琴,大提琴,钢琴 Score: Juilcat: 41 An234ca TJA
Compact Disc: Order pending
  Songs of Illumination (1990) Soprano, tenor, piano Score: Juilcat: 38 An234soi TJA
Compact Disc: Order pending
乔纳森·贝利·霍兰德(b. 1974) Songs of Experience [various] (2005) Soprano and piano N/A — seeking sources
  Whitman’s War (2013) Soprano and piano Score: Order pending
GEORGE LEWIS (b. 1952) In the Breach (2015) 打击乐(2),钢琴(2),小提琴 N/A — seeking sources
  The Mangle of Practice (2014) Violin and piano Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
DOROTHY RUDD MOORE (b. 1940) 《esball世博》(1972) 女中音,大提琴,钢琴 Score: 七月:OV得分41 m7817为ACA
Compact Disc: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
  关于爱情、玫瑰花蕾和死亡的十四行诗(1976) 女高音,男高音,小提琴,钢琴 Score: Juilcat: 41 M7817son ACA
Compact Disc: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
DAVID SANFORD (b. 1963) Klatka Still (2006-7) Flute and piano Score: Juilcat: 20.1 V825ma Press
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
ALVIN SINGLETON (b. 1940) Inside-Out (1983-1984) Piano four hands Score: Juilcat: 4 Si64ins EAM
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) Three Songs Soprano and piano Score: Juilcat: 38 W152so 1992h凯泽
YouTube: Listen here

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Timothy Cobb, Double Bass

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) Nonet in F Minor, Op. 2 (1894) 小提琴(2),中提琴,大提琴,双簧管,单簧管,圆号,巴松管,钢琴 Score: Order pending
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 12182
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
朱利叶斯·伊士曼(1940-1990) 440 (1973) 声音,小提琴,中提琴,低音提琴 Score: Order pending
JEFFREY MUMFORD (b. 1955) 透过播撒光明的过滤黎明 Viola and double bass Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) Spring Journey String quartet N/A — seeking sources
DOROTHY RUDD MOORE (b. 1940) 九器挽歌 (1969) 长笛、双簧管、单簧管、小号、长号、打击乐、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴 N/A — seeking sources

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Ronald Copes, Violin

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) Four African Dances, Op. 58 (1904) Violin and piano Score: E-score可通过Juilcat获得
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 10745
Juilcat: CD 12182
YouTube: Listen here
ANTHONY DAVIS (b. 1951) Maps (1988) Violin YouTube: Listen here
TANIA LEÓN (b. 1943) Axon (2002) Violin Score: Juilcat: 15 L551ax Peer
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
WYNTON MARSALIS (b. 1961) Fiddle Dance Suite (2017) Violin Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 20360
YouTube: I. Sidestep Reel
  D大调小提琴协奏曲(2017) Violin Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 20360
Streaming: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: I. Rhapsody
ALVIN SINGLETON (b. 1940) Somehow We Can (1994) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 Si64so EAM
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 10204
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) Bleu (2013) Violin Score: Juilcat: 13 W152bl Subito
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
DOLORES WHITE (b. 1932) Three Short Pictures Violin and piano YouTube: III. Bouncy

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Elaine Douvas, Woodwinds

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
ELEANOR ALBERGA (b. 1949) Succubus Moon (2007) Oboe and string quartet Score: Order pending
SoundCloud: Listen here
Youtube: Listen here
布伦诺·布劳斯(1931-1993) 双簧管和弦乐协奏曲 双簧管和弦乐团 Score: Juilcat: 25.7 B6137co T.17 TrevCo
Compact Disc: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
VALERIE COLEMAN (b. 1970) 红粘土和密西西比河 (2015) Wind quintet Score:
  • 请与图书馆联系.
Compact Disc: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) Nonet in F Minor, Op. 2 (1894) 小提琴(2),中提琴,大提琴,双簧管,单簧管,圆号,巴松管,钢琴 Score: Order pending
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 12182
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) Incantation and Dance (1945) Oboe and piano Score: Juilcat: 20.3 St54in Fisch
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 2445
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
TANIA LEÓN (b. 1943) De Memorias (2000) Woodwind quintet Score: Juilcat: 23.5 L551dem Peer
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
GEORGE LEWIS (b. 1952) Monads (1977) 低音单簧管,大提琴,萨克斯管,中音长号,中音长号,小提琴 Compact Disc: Order pending

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Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
TIMOTHY ADAMS (b. 1962) 武装警卫捕获稀有犀牛 (2015)

Cajon trio

Score: 1947年7月13日
YouTube: Listen here
乔纳森·贝利·霍兰德(b. 1974) The Clarity of Cold Air (2013) 长笛,单簧管,小提琴,大提琴,钢琴,打击乐 Score: Order pending
SoundCloud: Listen here
ELIZABETH A. BAKER Shapes (2012) 低音鼓,手鼓,木琴 Score:
  • 请与图书馆联系.
JONATHAN BINGHAM Untitled (2015) 长笛、单簧管、低音单簧管、马林巴琴、电颤琴、钢琴、小提琴、中提琴、低音提琴 SoundCloud: Listen here
KEVIN DAY (b. 1996) (loco)motion (2018) 单簧管,马林巴琴,钢琴四重奏 SoundCloud: Listen here
  un(ravel)ed (2019) 皮埃罗合奏和打击乐器 SoundCloud: Listen here
COREY DUNDEE . . . remnants . . . (2019) 小提琴,大管,钢琴,打击乐 SoundCloud: Listen here
  无色的绿色思想疯狂地沉睡 (2015) 短笛,降e单簧管,小提琴,玩具钢琴,大提琴,打击乐 SoundCloud: Listen here
MICHAEL FRAZIER Panels (2014) 低音单簧管和打击乐器合奏 SoundCloud: Listen here
TANIA LEÓN (b. 1943) A La Par (2007) Piano and percussion Score: Juilcat: 25.2 L551a PeerS
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
GEORGE LEWIS (b. 1952 Thistledown (2012) 钢琴,大提琴,小提琴,打击乐 YouTube: Listen here
ALLISON LOGGINS- HULL Hammers (2018) 长笛打击乐四重奏 Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
QUINN MASON (b. 1996) Weapon Wheel (2018/19) 音乐会或行军低音鼓三重奏 Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
JOE W. MOORE III (b. 1986) Black Minerals Percussion quartet Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
  Crescent (2020) Percussion quintet Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
JEFFREY MUMFORD (b. 1955) 小径繁茂的花园 (2008, rev. 2017) Mixed quintet YouTube: Listen here
SHAWN E OKPEBHOLO (b. 1981) Distance (2016)

Cello and marimba

Score: Order pending
SoundCloud: Listen here
  X (2014) Percussion ensemble Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
ALVIN SINGLETON (b. 1940) Argoru VI (1970) Marimba Score: Juilcat: 13 Si64ar no.6 EAM
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here

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Aaron Flagg, Jazz Studies


Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK (b. 1941) 小号钢琴奏鸣曲(1996) Trumpet and piano Score: Juilcat: 21.1 H1263so Press
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
CHARLES LLOYD (b. 1938) Crucifixion (1999) Trumpet and piano N/A — seeking sources
尤利西斯·辛普森·凯(1917-1995) Tromba (1985) Trumpet and piano Score: Juilcat: 21.2 K18tr Pemb
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
HALE SMITH (1925-2009) Exchanges (1970) Trumpet and wind band N/A — seeking sources
MARY D. WATKINS (b. 1939) Mount Cathedral (1994) Trumpet and piano Score: Order pending

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Ara Guzelimian,音乐部

Interim Dean and Director

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
DAVID BAKER (1931-2016) 《esball世博》选自大提琴奏鸣曲(1973) Cello and piano Score: Order pending
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
ANTHONY BARFIELD (b. 1983) Movement I from Meditations (2007) Trombone and piano Score: Order pending
Compact Disc: Order pending
YouTube: Listen on YouTube
玛格丽特·邦兹(1913-1972) Troubled Water (1967) Piano Score: Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
艾琳·布里顿·史密斯(1907-1999) 小提琴奏鸣曲(1947)第一乐章 Violin and piano Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
BILLY CHILDS (b. 1957) “Water” from Two Elements (2007) Brass quintet and piano Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 17398
YouTube: Listen here
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) Nonet in F Minor, Op. 2 (1894) 小提琴(2),中提琴,大提琴,双簧管,单簧管,圆号,巴松管,钢琴 Score: Order pending
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 12182
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) 《esball世博》选自第一号组曲. 2 (1943) Violin and piano Score: Juilcat: 15 St54su WGStill
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK  (b. 1941) 慢板选自第弦乐四重奏. 1 (2005) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 H1263ps no.1 Press
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen Here
TANIA LEÓN (b. 1943) De Memorias (2000) Woodwind quintet Score: Juilcat: 23.5 L551dem Peer
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
JESSIE MONTGOMERY (b. 1981) Strum (2006: rev. 2012) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.5 M7663st Jmont
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 19215
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) G大调弦乐四重奏中速行板(1929) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 P931ps G maj. ClarNan
YouTube: Listen here
ALVIN SINGLETON (b. 1940) Again (1979) Orchestra Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 10204
Streaming Audio: 在纽约时报的这篇文章中可以找到

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Fredara Hadley,音乐史


Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
ANTHONY R. GREEN On Top of a Frosted Hill (2011) Cello and piano Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
ALLISON LOGGINS- HULL Stolen (2017) Cello Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
JESSIE MONTGOMERY (b. 1981) Strum (2006: rev. 2012) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.5 M7663st Jmont
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 19215
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
JULIA PERRY (1924-1979) Homunculus, C.F. (1960) Percussion (10) Score: Juilcat: 25.2 P4285ho SouthP
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
尤利西斯·辛普森·凯(1917-1995) Six Dances (1954) String orchestra Score: Order pending
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here

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Sharon Isbin, Guitar

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
TANIA LEÓN (b. 1943) ¡Paisanos Semos! (1984) Guitar Score:Juilcat: 11 L551pa PeerS
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 13482
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  Bailarín (1998) Guitar Score: Juilcat: 11 L551ba Peer
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 15556
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
JOÃO LUIZ 吉他作曲与编曲 Guitar N/A — seeking sources

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Paul Jacobs, Organ

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) Three Impromptus, Op. 78 (1911) Organ Score: Juilcat: 9 C679im op.78 Master
NOEL DACOSTA (1929-2002) 为管风琴和弦乐器而生 (1981) Organ and strings Compact Disc: Order pending
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) An Organ Collection Organ Score: Juilcat: 9 St54 AA WGSti l_ l_
尤金·汉考克(1929-1993) Five Spirituals [contained in 灵歌风琴书] Organ Score: Juilcat: 9 Or3ha Lorenz
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) Suite No. 1 for Organ Organ Score: Juilcat: 9 P931su Cℓar
YouTube: Listen here

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Yoheved Kaplinsky, Piano

Department Chair


Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
玛格丽特·邦兹(1913-1972) Troubled Water (1967) Piano Score: Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)

YouTube: Listen here
约瑟夫·博洛涅,圣乔治骑士(1745-1799) F小调慢板(1981年出版) Piano Score: Juilcat: 2 Sa23ad Merion
Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
R. 纳撒尼尔·德特(1882-1943) 组曲,在底部(1913) Piano Score: Compact Disc: Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) Three Visions (1936) Piano Score: Juilcat: 2 St54vi WGStill
Compact Disc:
Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)

YouTube: Listen here
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) Sonata in E Minor (1932) Piano Score: Juilcat: 2 P931so Schirm
Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)

YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) Sonata No. 2 (1956) Piano Score: Juilcat: 2 W152so no.2 Gal
Compact Disc: Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here

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Joel Krosnick, Cello

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
Coleridge-taylor perkinson (1932-2004) 《esball世博》弦乐四重奏. 1 String quartet Score: Juilcat: 27 P419ps keizer
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  哀歌黑色/民谣组曲 (1979) Cello Score: Juilcat: 18 P419lam keizer
Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
DOROTHY RUDD MOORE (b. 1940) Baroque Suite (1965) Cello Score: 一月:18 M7817ba ACA 2020
YouTube: Listen here
  《黑塔之歌 (1972) 女中音,大提琴,钢琴 Score: Juilcat: 41 M7817fr ACA
YouTube: Listen here
JEFFREY MUMFORD (b. 1955) 在转瞬即逝的闪烁光芒中 (1990) Cello Score: Juilcat: 18 M919am Press
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 5106
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) 小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲(1995) Cello and piano Score: Ordered from vendor
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 13442
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  String Quartet No. 1 (1946) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 W152ps no.1 Keiser
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 16735
YouTube: Listen here
  String Quartet No. 2 (1968) String quartet Score: Compact Disc: YouTube: Listen here

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Raymond Mase, Brass

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
ED BLAND (1926-2013) Brass Quintet (1994) Brass quintet


YouTube: Listen here

BILLY CHILDS (b. 1957) Two Elements (2007) Brass quintet and piano Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 17398
YouTube: I. Water
ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK (b.1941) Spiritual 小号(4支)和长号(4支) Score: Juilcat: 24.6 H1263sp Wimb
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) 铜管与钢琴组曲(1930) Brasses and piano N/A — seeking sources
尤利西斯·辛普森·凯(1917-1995) Brass Quartet (1965) Brass quartet Score: Juilcat: 24.4 K18
YouTube: Listen here
  Tromba (1985) Trumpet and piano Score: Juilcat: 21.2 K18tr Pemb
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) 铜管音乐,神圣与世俗 (1995) Brass quintet Score: Juilcat: 24.5 W152mu Keiser
Compact Disc: Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Invokation

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Adam Meyer, Provost


Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
MARCOS BALTER (b. 1974) Live Water (2007) Viola Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 17283
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
Bandcamp: Listen here
约瑟夫·博洛涅,圣乔治骑士(1745-1799) String Quartet No. 1 in C Major, Op. 1, No. 1 String quartet Score: E-score可通过Juilcat获得
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 20069
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) 为弦乐四重奏而作的幻想曲.5 (1895) String quartet Score: YouTube: Listen here
ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK (b. 1941) 圣所:中提琴与钢琴狂想曲 (1995) Viola and piano Score: Juilcat: 17 H1263sa Press
Compact Disc: Juilcat: 11351
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
NATHALIE JOACHIM (b. 1983) Dam Mwen Yo (2016) 独奏大提琴和录音 Bandcamp: 数字专辑可在此下载
YouTube: Listen here
JESSIE MONTGOMERY (b. 1981) Voodoo Dolls (2008) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 M7663vo Jmont
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) Viola Sonata (1989) Viola and piano Score: Juilcat: 17 W152so MMB
Compact Disc: Juilcat: 16968
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here

Additional Resources:

  • 美国中提琴协会代表性不足的作曲家数据库
    Free access via AVS

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Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
DANIEL BERNARD ROUMAIN (b. 1970) Fast BLACK Dance Machine (2002) 大提琴,长笛,单簧管,打击乐器,小提琴 Score: Juilcat: 25.6 R757fa Subito
Online Audio: Listen here
约瑟夫·博洛涅,圣乔治骑士(1745-1799) 降e大调奏鸣曲(1799) Harp and flute Score: E-score可通过Juilcat获得
YouTube: Listen here
VALERIE COLEMAN (b. 1970) Umoja Wind quintet Score: Juilcat: 23.5 C6785um VCoℓe
YouTube: Listen here
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912) Nonet in F Minor, Op. 2 (1894) 小提琴(2),中提琴,大提琴,双簧管,单簧管,圆号,巴松管,钢琴 Score: Order pending
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 12182
YouTube: Listen here
  升F小调五重奏,作品. 10 (1895) 单簧管,小提琴(2),中提琴,大提琴 Score: Juilcat: 25.5 C679rc Rara
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 15304
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) Miniatures (1963) Woodwind quintet Score: Juilcat: 23.32 St54mi OUP
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 15269
Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)

YouTube: Listen here
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) Adoration (1951) Organ Score: E-score可通过阿肯色大学图书馆获得
YouTube: Listen here

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Samuel Rhodes, Viola

Department Chair

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
约瑟夫·博洛涅,圣乔治骑士(1745-1799) String Quartet No. 1 in C Major, Op. 1, No. 1 String quartet Score: E-score可通过Juilcat获得
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 20069
查尔斯·明格斯(1922-1979) String Quartet No. 1 (1972) String quartet N/A — seeking sources
BILLY TAYLOR (1921-2010) Homage (1995) 弦乐四重奏和爵士三重奏 Score: Score available via JSTOR
Compact Disc: Order pending
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) Viola Sonata (1989) Viola and piano Score: Juilcat: 17 W152so MMB
Compact Disc: Juilcat: 16968
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here

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Assistant Dean

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) Symphony No. 4、《原生》(1947) Orchestra Score: Juilcat: 31 St54sy no.4 WGStiℓℓ
YouTube: Listen here
ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK (b.1941) An American Port of Call (1985) Orchestra Score: Juilcat: 31 H1263amp出版社
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 1114
Streaming Audio:
  • 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
  • DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
JULIA PERRY (1924-1979) 管弦小品(1952) Orchestra Streaming Audio: Juilcat: LP TALMA
YouTube: Listen here
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) Symphony No. 3 in C Minor (1940) Orchestra Score: Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 7797
YouTube: Listen here
DOROTHY RUDD MOORE (b. 1940) Transcension (“我曾到过山顶”)(1986) 长笛,双簧管,单簧管,弦乐四重奏 Score: YouTube: Listen here
尤利西斯·辛普森·凯(1917-1995) 战车:一首管弦乐狂想曲 (1978) Orchestra Score: Juilcat: 31 K18ch Pemb
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) Sinfonia No. 5, “Visions” (2016) Orchestra and voice Score: Juilcat: 31 W152sy no.5 Subito
YouTube: Listen here

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Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
ANTHONY BARFIELD (b. 1983) Movement I from Meditations (2007) Trombone and piano Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
塞缪尔·柯勒律治-泰勒(1875-1912) 升f小调单簧管五重奏,作品. 10 (1895) Clarinet quintet Score: Juilcat: 25.5 C679rc Rara
Compact Disc:
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  为弦乐四重奏而作的幻想曲.5 (1895) String quartet Score: YouTube: Listen here
WYNTON MARSALIS (b. 1961) D大调小提琴协奏曲(2017) Violin Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 20360
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: I. Rhapsody
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) 长号协奏曲(1957) Trombone and orchestra Score: Ordered from vendor
Compact Disc: YouTube: Listen here

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Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
MARCOS BALTER (b. 1974) Ignis Fatuus (2008) Violin Score: Juilcat: 15b2175ig Schott
YouTube: Listen here
TYONDAI BRAXTON (b. 1978) ArpRec1 (2017) String quartet Score: Order pending
Compact Disc: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here
DON BYRON (b. 1958) 对马文·盖伊的四个想法 (2012) String quartet Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
BILLY CHILDS (b. 1957) Unrequited (2015) String quartet Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
塞缪尔·柯勒律治——泰勒(1875-1912)和莫德·鲍威尔(1867-1920) Deep River (1904) Piano Score: Juilcat: 15 C679ned Master
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 2753
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
威廉·格兰特(1895-1978) Danzas de Panama (1948) String quartet Score: Juilcat: CAGE 22.5 St54dan SouthP JSQBxC14f09
Compact Disc: Juilcat: LP STILL
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  Lyric Quartette (1960) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 St54ℓy WGStiℓℓ
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  小提琴与钢琴组曲(1943) Violin and piano Score: Juilcat: 15 St54su WGStill
Compact Disc: Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
JLIN (b. 1987) Little Black Book (2018) 弦乐四重奏和鼓 Score: 电子乐谱可通过克罗诺斯四重奏网站
SoundCloud: Listen here
WYNTON MARSALIS (b. 1961) At the Octoroon Balls (1999) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 27 M351at Mars
Compact Disc: Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
MARC MELLITS (b. 1966) Tapas (2007) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 M489ps no.3 Dacia
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
JESSIE MONTGOMERY (b. 1981) Breakaway (2013) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 M7663br Jmont
YouTube: Listen here
  Strum (2006) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.5 M7663st Jmont
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 19215
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  Voodoo Dolls (2008) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 M7663vo Jmont
YouTube: Listen here
弗洛伦斯·普赖斯(1887-1953) 五首对位民歌(c. 1949) String quartet Score: Juilcat: REF 0 W842co GKHall v.8
Streaming Audio: 纳克索斯音乐图书馆(Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
  String Quartet No. 2 in A Minor (1935) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 P931ps no.2 Schirm
YouTube: Listen here
JOEL THOMPSON (b. 1988) 对疯狂的回应 (2019) String quartet Score: E-score可通过加州大学洛杉矶分校图书馆获得
YouTube: Listen here
弗雷德里克·提利斯(1930-2020) Spiritual Fantasy No. 12 (1988) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 T465sp no.12 ACA
Streaming Audio: DRAM (Juilcat Plus)
YouTube: Listen here
乔治·沃克(1922-2018) String Quartet No. 1 (1946) String quartet Score: Juilcat: 22.4 W152ps no.1 Keiser
Compact Disc: Juilcat: CD 16735
SHELLEY WASHINGTON (b. 1991) Middleground (2016) String quartet Compact Disc: Order pending
Spotify: Listen here
PAMELA Z (b. 1956) 还有舌头的运动 (2012) String quartet with tape Score: Order pending
YouTube: Listen here

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Brian Zeger, Vocal Arts

Artistic Director

Composer Title Instrumentation Availability
ANTHONY DAVIS (b. 1951) It was (1992) 女高音,单簧管,打击乐器,钢琴,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴 N/A — seeking sources
ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK (b. 1941) 4 Romantic Songs (1895) Voice and piano Score: Juilcat: 38 H1263ro出版社
YouTube: Listen here
TANIA LEÓN (b. 1943) Atwood Songs (2004) Soprano and piano Score: Juilcat: 38 L551at s Peer
YouTube: Listen here
JESSIE MONTGOMERY (b. 1981) Loisaida, I Love You (2016)[路易莎达,我的爱] Soprano and cello


  • 请与图书馆联系.
DOROTHY RUDD MOORE (b. 1940) Weary Blues (1972) Baritone, cello, piano Score: YouTube: Listen here

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